Greetings everyone, this is my first time blogging and I believe that most of the bloggers went through this stage some nervous others excited but me am honoured and I can’t wait to start sharing my thoughts with the world. My posts will be based on events management from planning to managing them. A lot has changed since we started using social media to communicate with our target audiences and it has made communication a lot easier.
Ever wondered what you might eat unknowingly? Yes food disasters do happen at some events.
Bug found in a strawberry yoghurt |
Questions to ask:
What do you do when you find something like this in your plate? How to react to such incidents?Who is to blame? Which tone to use? Who is responsible? How to handle this matter?
We all like attending different types of events because we like the food part. Some of us attend the event thinking what will the dish look like and which desserts they might offer us at the event. We like to experience what other food may taste like but founding a bug in your food is something else. You lose your appetite in a sec. What's important is your reaction to this incident and what do you recommend. Incidents like this happen more often at some outdoor events, so also as an event manager you need to be careful on where to plan an event. So they say a customer is always right, but also need to know how to react if such incident happen although the reputation of the owner will be at stake. The tone of the client laying a complain might be loud and that might create a bad publicity stunt for your company. As a the event manager be calm and take care of the situation immediately and apologise for the incident. Afterall we are all humans and mistakes do happen but that will determine how you solve the matter to be forgotten.
Chopped bug inside a salad |
Whats for supper?
As the event manager you need to check which food will be served the day of the event and also double check the food before it goes to the clients to avoid what your clients might find in their food such as chopped bugs. A good publicity stunt is what's needed by the company not a disaster event of the month. Such incident are always looked after, and not to happen in any way. A good reputation is what the company need to be able to host other events and to make their clients happy. For the clients to come again it will be determined by how they were treated and the hospitality they were given during the event. Making the clients happy is what the event mananger need to acknowledge and plan the best event that creates a free publicity for their organisation. No company wants a disaster that will cost their company's reputation and bad mouthed to the public.There is no such thing as pretty disaster, a pretty disaster is still a disaster that can cause the pretty bad publicity stunt for your company.